1. All contracts dealing with the Club must be approved by the Board and the Membership (3/99)
2. When a new Treasurer is elected, an outside auditor shall render an accounting of the books.
3. A custodian of Club property shall be appointed to make a report of inventory and its location when needed. (4/22)
4. The treasurer will serve as agent with the State Of Tennessee.
5. No Certificates of Deposit will be cashed without the approval of the members of the Club.
6. All bills (with receipts) for monies owed to members must be presented to the Treasurer within 30 days or it will require Board Approval.(4/22)
7. Specialty Clubs seeking permission to hold a standalone Specialty the night before our show, or a Specialty, or Supported Entry on the same day as our show, shall submit a request in writing to the Clubs Show Representative to ensure all arrangements and paperwork are in order.(4/22)
8. Those dues paid by prospective members in the month of October, November and December will constitute dues for the coming year.
9. The membership chair shall write a letter of welcome to all new members and include copies of the Clubs Constitution and By-Laws, the Code of Ethics, the Standing Rules, and a current membership list.
10. The Corresponding Secretary is responsible for sending a get well card to any member hospitalized, Corresponding Secretary will send a condolence card to a members immediate family, upon the Death of a member. The Club will dedicate the upcoming show in memory of the deceased member (4-22)
11. The Club will hire at a reasonable rate and auditor to audit the books at the end of each year and to file the CKC’s State Federal tax returns.
12. Copies of our contracts with the Show Superintendent or any Organization whose property we use to hold our shows must be given to the Treasurer and made part of our permanent records.
13. CKC awards will be given in December at the annual Christmas Party.
14. The President of the Chattanooga kennel Club has the authority to sign contracts for the Club after the have been presented to the Board and have approved by the membership.
15. Each speaker is allowed five minutes unless he or she is on the agenda.
16. Board member, officers or committee members who miss three consecutive committee meetings will be asked to resign by the President (4/99)
17. Each April, the Treasurer, who serves as the Clubs agent, shall send the Chattanooga Kennel Club’s Annual Report to the State of Tennessee. This report shall be sent electronically to: Secretary of State, Corporate Section, James K Polk Building, Suite 1800, Nashville, Tn. 37219; (615)741-3386
18. CKC award plaques will be given to members for AKC recognized Conformation Champions. (4/22)
19. Members who sign up for goods, services or functions paid for with Club monies will be responsible for reimbursing the Club for expenses should they fail to attend. A member will not be charged if he notifies the Club that he or she will not be able to attend in time to cancel reservations. (1/96)
20. Any check to a member must be approved by the Board prior to payment (4/97)
21. The Treasurer shall have the authority to make decisions regarding new expenditures of up to $100.00 dollars. The Board shall have the authority to make decisions of expenditures of up to $1000.00 dollars. The membership shall approve expenditures exceeding over $1000.00 dollars. (4/22)
22. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, the Bulletin Secretary shall record the minutes. The Corresponding Secretary is next in line. If all three are absent, the President will assign those duties. (4/99)
23. CKC books (check book) and all contracts shall be made available upon request to any member by the next general meeting. (4/99)
24. The annual dues for membership shall be as follows: (4/22)
Single Membership $20.00
House Hold Membership $25.00
Junior Membership $5.00
25. When a non-profit group comes before the Board and /or the Membership soliciting a donation (over a certain amount ) a letter stating the amount of donation requested and the purpose for which it will be used must be received prior to any disbursement of funds, it is suggested that discussion of the request take place at the meeting, which it is first presented with the final vote to take place at the following month’s meeting (8/04)
26. The judges Select Committee shall consist of three (3) persons appointed by the Board, to serve for a term of two years. This committee will be responsible for the selecting and hiring of the judges.(2/08)
27. Judges Coordinator position is responsible for arranging Hotel, transportation, and hospitality for judges. (2/08)
28. Specialty and Supported liaison position created (2/08)
29. No member may be appointed to Chair a Committee until he or she has been a member in good standing for one (1) year and has attended a minimum of five (5) regular meetings during the preceding Club Year. (4/08)
30. Juniors: When reaching the age of 18, The membership chairperson will send an application to be filled out as an adult, for membership into the Chattanooga Kennel Club, it should be noted that only 2 votes per house hold are allowed. All other persons in house hold will be considered as a single applicant and yearly dues are required. (4/22)
31. Membership: The club will hold applications for 6 months, after that time the person/ persons may reapply. (4/22)
32. At the annual nomination of Board of Directors, should there not be enough qualified or willing members to fill all the open positions the nominating committee can elect to submit less than the required 6 board members.
33. All members are required to fill out a membership renewal form in its entirety every year, and correspondence will be sent either through email or postal mail.
34. Eligibility to attend the annual Christmas Party at no cost– Each member must have attended three (3) meetings throughout the year. (Previous July Picnic and previous year Christmas Party will be considered as 1 meeting for the following year.).
Revised: August, 2004
Revised: February,2008
Revised: April, 2008
Revised: April, 2022
Revised: October 2022
Revised: January 2023
Chattanooga Kennel
Club, Inc.